Big Brother Big Sisters of North Simcoe provides quality mentoring for youth ages 6-8 in North Simcoe and Christian Island. A new and critical part of that is our Go Girls program focusing on developing Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies and Healthy Choices for girls aged 12-14. The enthusiastic response and successes of our first program this spring reinforced the need and the value of this program.
In May 2018, the generous donation from GWC allowed BBBSNS to train mentors and buy supplies to ensure that the Go Girls program could grow and continue to inspire and change the minds and lives or girls in our community.
In October 2021, GWC had the pleasure of choosing BBBSNS again, this time funding the new and very popular Game On program, a program for boys age 11 to 14; and attracting much needed mentoring resources for support of children in our community.
Pictured from left to right are: Haylie Taylor (BBBSNS fundraising coordinator), Sheldon East, JoAnn Stephan (BBBSNS executive director), Mal Inrig, and Barry Goode.
In May 2024, GWC had the pleasure of choosing BBBSNS a third time!